What is solar energy?

The Earth receives an incredible supply of solar energy. Solar energy is produced by Sun– photo voltaic energy is used for the generation of electricity or the production of heat. Since it comes from the Sun, solar energy is inexhaustible and renewable, harnessed using panels and mirrors. The amount of solar radiation hitting on earth over a three-day is equivalent to the energy stored in all fossil energy sources.

Solar power used in two forms, thermal and photo voltaic. The first concentrates sunlight, converts it into heat, and applies it to a steam generator or engine to be converted into electricity in order to heat water, generate electricity etc. Electricity is generated when the heated fluid drives turbines or other machinery. The second form of solar power produces electricity directly without moving parts. Photo voltaic system is composed of cells made of silicon. Power is produced when sunlight strikes the semiconductor material and creates an electric current.The smallest unit of the system is a cell. Cells wired together form a module, and modules wired together form a panel. A group of panels is called an array, and several arrays form an array field.

Photo voltaic solar cells convert sunlight directly into electricity called as photo voltaic effect, by which certain materials are able to absorb photons and liberate electrons, generating an electric current. Photo voltaic power even has advantages over wind power, hydro power, and solar thermal power. The latter three require turbines with moving parts that are noisy and require maintenance.

What are the benefits of solar energy?

Solar energy offers many benefits that make it one of the most promising energy forms. It is renewable, non-polluting and available planet-wide. Solar energy is also useful for generating electricity on a large scale. Solar modules are relatively easy to maintain and low cost of photo voltaic cells explains the favorable outlook for solar technology. Solar plants also do not produce polluting gases and are silent.Some of the benefits are:




Avoids global warming

Reduces use of fossil fuels

Reduces energy imports

Generates local wealth and jobs

Contributes to sustainable development

It is modular and very versatile, adaptable to different situations

Can be applied alike for large-scale electricity generation and on a small scale in areas isolated from the network.
